Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The One and Only Steph

Today i was just struck with actually how much Stephanie means to me. To clarify any misconceptions, Stephanie means the world to me. Steph and I have been friends pretty much forever. Our family goes over to the Semmel's every 4th of July, and we have an awesome time together. Also, i think that Steph has been in my Sunday school class since we were like 2. I have alot of great memories of hanging out with Steph. All this to say that Steph is a great friend, a great person, and a genius, and i feel privileged to be counted among her friends.

Monday, January 30, 2006


Well this weekend has been really random and somewhat boring...... Friday i went to work, and then came home and played on the computer, which was fun, but soon became somewhat monatenous. Saturday, i got up,worked up on homework, and then cleaned up the house. After that i met Christopher T., at Faith and we played Coup de' etat with Mr. Sagendorf then got two movies, The Cave, and The Island.

Then we went home and watched the The Cave. It was pretty cool, except for the fact that there were random "monsters" that would just pop out and either eat someone or pull them through little cracks in the wall. This wouldn't have necessarily been bad, except for the fact that you could never really tell what the monsters were or looked like until the very end. But overall it wasn't a bad movie.

Nothing else really happened, i had a couple of interesting and possibly enlightening conversations, we'll have to see about that.

Overall it was a pretty boring weekend.....

I can't wait 'till break......

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Trees, Pizza, Shopping, etc...

Well yesterday, was another exciting and fun filled day. Jared, Adrienne, and I decided that we would go over to the park that Jared found by Wildcat Creek a few days ago. Now the outing started out unfortunately, due to the fact that my brakes weren't working very well, and every time i tried to stop my brakes squeeled, and it was really annoying! A couple of wrong turns, and a police officer later, we met adrienne at Culver's, the real adventure was about to begin......

We found the park without much trouble, we parked and decided that we would walk over to the creek, to see if we could find where a certain someone had previously fallen in. We eventually found then we decided to try to get out on an island in the middle of the creek.
cided to try to get out an island in the middle of the creek.

This was somewhat of a difficult task because we couldnt really find any way onto the island without getting soaked. So, we decided to try to make a dam. Jared and I tried thowing random sticks in the creek but to bolster up the dam but they failed to get caught and just moved on down stream. We thought that we would never be able to complete the dam.

So we decided to take a different approach. We found this huge tree, that had fallen and thats base was partially stuck in the mud. We decided that we would break this mighty tree free from the crushing confines of the mud, and use it to strengthen and anchor our dam. After enduring many crushing and discouraging words from Adrienne, Jared and I set to work. We had to use all the resources that we possessed in order to succed due to the massive weight and length of the tree. To make a long story short, we succeded despite many cuts and bruises and bitter words from the onlookers.

After that we went to Pizza Hut, where we saw Kelsy. The pizza was pretty good. By the way, hot sauce, and lemon sugar water dont mix. Finally, we stopped at Wal-mart where we walked looking at random stuff, and then we went into the make-up section where jared and adrienne tried mimicking the models facial expressions and i took pictures. If you would care to examine the pictures for yourself, i would love to show you. After that exciting experience we all decided that it was time to head for home.

Oh By the way,

You can have alot of fun with a group of at least 3 people by getting the same number of straws as people and a plate full of jello. What you do is you suck little pieces of jello up through the straw, and then, shoot/ blow the jello at someone. It's a lot of fun and i would highly recomend it as a great source of entertainment.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Senior Concession Stand and other happenings...

Well last night was very interesting, a lot of random things happened, for those of you that know the details, i think it would be better for the common good, if you kept those to yourself. Anyway, moving on, Rebecca asked me to work concessions for the last game for her because she had to cheer. Somehow i ended up working concessions from 4:30 - 10:45? Don't ask me how that happened.......

So for the whole evening it was just me, jonathan h., hrefna, and emily r., working concessions. We were really busy all night, and hopefully we made alot of money. The game was alot of fun, cleanup was...... interesting, and after the games, well...... let's just say it was really...... random

But overall not a bad evening, i had a lot of fun despite the bruised stomach, the wetting and ensuing pneumonia. So, for those you who are of the opinion that concessions can't be fun, i would challenge you to think again, just make sure to stay away from water sprayers.....

If you have any further questions i would be happy to explain

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I’ve been thinking a lot about decisions lately, and how they influence us. There are so many different kinds of decisions, and they all affect us differently. Some decisions are life changing, and others only change the color of the shirt you’re wearing……

Everyone makes decisions, and even if it seems as if each individual decision isn’t important our decisions are what make us who we are. Every little decision that we make will ultimately define or destroy us. Who we are directly affects the choices that we have made. We make choices of whether to go to a Christian college or a secular one, we make decisions about who we’re going to befriend or reject, we even make decisions bout whether to buy a hamburger, or a chicken sandwich at McDonald’s. Some decisions seem so important and others so superficial……

Many times we know the right decision to make, yet we make the wrong decision. Or who or what is to say which decision is right and which is wrong? Our choices now, will affect the choices that we make later on as well as the convictions we will maintain. The choices we make at present will affect how we view choices in the future. If we make the wrong choices now, what does that do to our future? And if it does have an impact on our future then why do we make wrong decisions if we know the consequences for our actions?

It doesn’t make sense how one wrong decision can destroy a myriad of good decisions or vice versa. If God gave us the power of choice, they why don’t we use the power that He gave us to return the glory to Him? Why do we try to destroy ourselves through our decisions? How can we sit by and destroy ourselves through mistaken decisions, mismanaged opportunities, and wrong turns? If one good decisions can reverse a thousand bad ones, they why do we continue to live in our misconstrued web of choices? Can we reach the point where there is no way to escape the choices that we have so foolishly made? If so can that point be reached and how long or how far down do we have to sink to reach it?

As far as I can tell there is only one way out of this mess of choices that we have gotten ourselves into. If we know that wrong choices will destroy us and if we make choices in our own strength we will make the wrong decisions, which lead us to the conclusion that we will inevitably destroy ourselves without some outside intervention. God, who gave us our power of choice, is willing to save us from our foolish corruption of that power. So, in order to extricate ourselves from this messy web of choices guess what…… we have to make ONE right decision……
Deuteronomy 30:19-20, “This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to His voice, and hold fast to Him. For the Lord if your life, and He will give you many years in the land He swore to give to your fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.”

Monday, January 23, 2006

Mixed Feelings

I don't understand,

and I'm not sure if I want to........

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Adrienne Appreciation Week

Meg and I were talking yesterday and we decided that it is about time to have an adrienne appreciation week. We just want to pay a small tribute to adrienne for all the weird pics, mean comments, outlandish behavior, and crazy friends that make Adrienne who she is. Therefore Meg and I and a few other people have been expending a tremendous amount of effort compiling pictures quotes etc..... of adrienne. I'm still working on transfering the pictures to my computer but hopefully i'll have that done sometime next week. So in the meantime i would like to grace you with a couple of sweet, kind, and uplifting quotes from adrienne.


1.) "I just build you up so that you can come crashing back down!"
2.) "Shut up!"
3.) "Yeah well.."
4.) "Corndogs. . . . . ."
5.) "Stop poking me!"
6.) "I messed up.... ooops."
7.) "i like corndogs. i think theyre funny"

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Miss Hrefna Thordarson

Well Today i was persuaded to post about Hrefna, you all know her, some of you love her, and yes we all know her by her other name.... Herpes. The reason that i decided to post about Hrefna is due solely to the fact that she is going away in 12 days 17 hours and 37 minutes, and she's not taking me with her.... to Iceland. So, one reason for this post is expressing extreme displeasure in her decision to not taking me with her, and miss days and days of school. "Grrrrr" ~ Hrefna..... Also, just to satisfy my own curiousity i would like to know how many people are going to miss Herpes. If you will, please leave a comment to that effect, thank you. By the way, i just want you all to know that making paper airplanes is harder than it looks, and also, having dogfights with said paper airplanes, (ariel battles) is very entertaining, you should try it some time. Welp i think thats about all i have to say for now.

Have a wonderful afternoon

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Today i've been asked to post about Amy M.

So....... I've known Amy for like 16 years. We were in the same Sunday school classes, had many of the same friends, our parents were friends, and we were in the same small group. I know alot about Amy, and she knows all kinds of random things about me, because our moms talk to each other about us all the time. Following this train of thought, i started thinking about all my friends and how long i've known them. It's so weird how friendships work. You can know someone your whole life, and not really know each other that well, or be really close friends. On the other hand, you can meet someone, and a month later your best friends. It's gonna be so different after we all graduate from highschool and all go our separate ways. Friends that i've known all my life will move away and I'll probly never see them again. Which leads me to the conclusion that...... i need to have as much fun with all my friends now, while i still have a chance.

Thanx for reading and remember to, "keep your stick on the ice."

Monday, January 16, 2006

My Day In A Nutshell

Well i've had several requests to post since i havent posted in forever and a day. So for all you guys here you go...

Today started out like any other day. Got up, got ready, got to school, went to all my classes. It was pretty boring until i got to lunch, then due to the turning of events, things got interesting including food all over my pants and..... as you can probly guess, all over my $75 bass slip-on shoes. In addition to all this, i had several very delicious cookies stolen from me. Now I'm currently in 6th hour study hall working on Anatomy and listening to Bowling for Soup. (If anyone would like tips on how to listen to music in school just let me know.) After this i have T.A. and then (drumroll) an anatomy test. Wish me luck. Oh btw, if any of you read Andy Costa's blog, nothing that he posted today is true. ;)

P.S. As Red Green says, "keep your stick on the ice."