Monday, August 28, 2006

A Whirlwind of New Ideas, Old Dreams, and Missed Opportunities

"All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we
leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we
can enter another." ~Anatole France

I put this picture up because it accurately portrays how I'm feeling right now. A lone object looking down, or up, at the dizzying swirls of changing circumstances. It's an interesting feeling, not one of anger, joy, excitement, pleasure, or pain. It's not nearly such a tangible feeling. It's a feeling of, in a way, sadness, mixed with resignation, stemming from so much uncertainty. It's amazing how we get caught up in our little worlds, only to have them utterly transformed in a matter of weeks, days; hours. How we put so much stock in things that really have such little value. We can spend an entire lifetime building up security for ourselves only to have our world come crashing down around us. It's funny, in a resigned sort of way. Why do we do what we do? We do, and surround ourselves with, things that will please us and make us comfortable, even though we know that, sooner than we expect, they will be snatched out from underneath our very feet. When this does happen as it either has or will to everyone sooner or later, we're caught completely offguard even though we knew it was coming all along. Strange how that works.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow,,,i don't think i could have said it better. i've felt about the same way recently. i like the picture too:)~

p.s- are you mad at me?

5:06 PM  
Blogger JJewell06 said...

yeah i thought the picture was pretty cool. I was actually wondering if you were mad at me. But to answer your question, no i'm not really mad, i've just had alot of stuff going on, and i'm alittle overwhelmed and confused. To sum it all up in two words, "clueless freshman"

p.s. i'll try to call you tomorrow

9:42 PM  
Blogger turza said...

interesting thoughts. i totally feel this way too. i wanta cry one moment and sigh for joy the next. i thought highschool was a rollercoaster of emotions.......

10:40 PM  
Blogger JJewell06 said...

adrienne, where were you today i tried calling you like three times! When you get a chance call me.

10:42 PM  
Blogger MEC said...

Jordan, what's going on? Its a very true post, deep it made me think, but it sounds a little depressed.

10:52 AM  
Blogger MEC said...

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10:53 AM  
Blogger MEC said...

Jordan, what's going on? Its a very true post, deep it made me think, but it sounds a little depressed.

10:53 AM  
Blogger JJewell06 said...

it is a little depressed... we'll see what happens

9:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jordan jewell....look around more when you're riding your bike on've passed me about 4 times and didn't notice time maybe i'll ....i don't know what i'll do. you still at arbys? i eat there sometimes. :) yum

2:59 PM  
Blogger JJewell06 said...

yes i still work at arby's, right now im in SMTP Shift Manager Training Program, next time you see me get my attention, yell, scream, jump up and down, do whatever it takes, even better maybe we could have lunch sometime.

3:56 PM  

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