Monday, August 28, 2006

A Whirlwind of New Ideas, Old Dreams, and Missed Opportunities

"All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we
leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we
can enter another." ~Anatole France

I put this picture up because it accurately portrays how I'm feeling right now. A lone object looking down, or up, at the dizzying swirls of changing circumstances. It's an interesting feeling, not one of anger, joy, excitement, pleasure, or pain. It's not nearly such a tangible feeling. It's a feeling of, in a way, sadness, mixed with resignation, stemming from so much uncertainty. It's amazing how we get caught up in our little worlds, only to have them utterly transformed in a matter of weeks, days; hours. How we put so much stock in things that really have such little value. We can spend an entire lifetime building up security for ourselves only to have our world come crashing down around us. It's funny, in a resigned sort of way. Why do we do what we do? We do, and surround ourselves with, things that will please us and make us comfortable, even though we know that, sooner than we expect, they will be snatched out from underneath our very feet. When this does happen as it either has or will to everyone sooner or later, we're caught completely offguard even though we knew it was coming all along. Strange how that works.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Purdue and a Tribute to Jared

Well today was my first day at Purdue. It was definitely a new experience. Going from Faith to Purdue is a really big adjustment. I've determind that there are at least as many buildings at Purdue as there were rooms at Faith. I missed my first class today because of the traffic. It took me 50 minutes to get to school from my house! I was REALLY angry. Not a very good start to the day. It got better though. I met up with Shawn and Jenni. Shawn had a class to go to so Jenni and i walked around for a while. Then i did some other random stuff which doesn't really matter and now i'm posting all about it. I don't have class until 12:30 tomorrow so i'm really excited about that. If any of you guys wanna hang out in the next week or so give me a call. I'd really like to see everyone before they leave, or start school in earnest, etc...

On to a different subject ~

I would like to say just a few words about Jared. I know he'll probably never read this, but I'm going to say it anyways for my benefit and for anyone else who may read this. Jared was a great friend, one of the best i've ever had. We were friends when we were both homeschooled, and we became better and better friends as the years went by; Jared was my friend, my advisor, and my relationship counselor. Jared taught me so many things, he helped me adjust to Faith, and brought me into his great circle of friends. He stood beside me, always there if i needed his help or his advice. If i was ever having a bad day i knew i could count on him to help and to cheer me up. He stood up for me and befriended me and i wanted to take a moment to thank him.

I would also like to say that if anyone has anything special to say about or to Jared, or a memory they would like to share please just leave a comment. Maybe someday when Jared gets back I can show him through this post how much he meant to and influenced his friends, and everyone around him.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

oil and water don't mix... they explode

Well just to give you a quick update on my life.

- I still work at Arby's
- I still have a cell phone (so call me)
- I start college on August 21st

They're have been a few new and exciting things going on lately.

After closing at Arby's one night, Shannon, Matt and I decided to walk over to Wal-Mart for a few minutes. As we were crossing 26, Matt and Shannon dared me to lay down in the middle of the intersection. That was interesting. But hey i lived to tell about it so "what the heck." Another interesting thing that happened occured when i was dumping friers at Arby's. For those of you who don't know, dumping friers is when you take all the old oil out of the friers and replace it with nice clean oil. Pretty simple... unless you mix really hot water with really hot oil. In that case, as i learned, stand back 'cuz things are gonna start poppin'. That was TOTALLY AWESOME. Anyway...

Other than that i went to a pool party, saw some old friends, went to tropicanoe cove, worked out a few times, gave away some curly fries and potatoe bites, got a little older and a little fatter.

Oh about this dancing thing. I'm sick of going around the bush with this, if anyone can come up with a good way to either prove i can dance or go down trying, please, leave me a comment.